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Weed Killer . . . Who’d have thought?


Weed killer . . . Who’d have thought it’d work?


This is my favorite time of year. Today, this very day, TO-DAY, to be exact. Why?

Because I haven’t done a thing to the yard since last fall. And because most of those little wormy bits of pollen in the oak trees has fallen already. Most of the little green inch worms are gone, and now that they’re gone, and since the birds have no more inch worms to eat, there’s less bird poo on your head. For about a month it’s been a hazardous mess outside.

Yesterday, I hired two guys to clean up the yard and it’s all sparkly now. They hauled away EIGHT giant bags of leaves and debris. Which is why exactly today– the day the yard is clean– is my favorite time of the year.

Here’s a picture of my lettuce garden three days ago. Those are weeds, not lavender.

lettuce garde weeds cell 700







And here it was last night. 


Garden free of weeds










                             And here it is today after Derek got hold of it. There are newspapers spread under the pine straw. I’ll plant lettuces when I can get around to it.

lettuce garden under newpapers







I’m sitting on my front porch surveying my newly fluffed herb garden and flower beds . . . and what is that? Weeds!

The boys worked hard, but time ran out, so there are things I still need to do.

This is a dandy-lion the size of a dinner plate.


DandyLion living


I like to be as green and environmentally safe as the next hippie. So I’m open to hugging a few trees to save nature. Weed killer is not by definition earth friendly. Where do I find a safe killer?


I’ll give you my picks.

Get’em drunk recipe

1 quart of water
1 cup vinegar
1 cup gin
1 TB dishsoap

Mix and spray on weeds. Be sure to protect nearby plants from over spray. There’s also discussion that vinegar is not that earth friendly. If you’re in agreement, skip this one.

Bleach’em clean recipe  

1 quart of water
2 cups salt
2 cups bleach
1 TB dish soap

Heat water & add salt. Stir until all of salt is melted. Allow to cool. Add bleach and dish soap. Spray on weeds. This is a heavy duty-nothing will grow there kind of killer. In fact, the salt will stay in the ground and nothing will grow there for a long, long time. You might want to use this on the driveway or sidewalk, not in your beds. And if you skipped the first one, you might not like this one either.


Spread old newspaper on areas you don’t want weeds, cover newspaper with mulch & weigh down edges, if necessary. Soak paper with water. Wait. The heat of the sun and no light will keep any weeds from growing. If you’re doing this in your garden, wait a few days, then poke holes in the soggy paper and plant your herbs or lettuces.

Boiling Water

This is one that everyone can agree on and love. Boiling water. Just boil a kettle of water. Pour on the weeds you hate. That’s it. They will die. No chemicals. No dirty fingernails.

And here’s that same dandy-lion weed 24 hours later. Who’d have thought?

DandyLion dead


Happy weeding!



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