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How do you sign your name?



How do you sign your name?


It occurred to me that I don’t sign my name to my posts. And I should.

After all, if I wrote you a letter, I’d sign my name. Even though you’d have the return address on the envelope to see who had written you. If anyone writes real letters any more.

I get emails all the time with no salutation or signature.

I’ve decided to start signing my name. Just so you’ll know. For sure. And not be in doubt.

So, if you should read a post from here on out and it doesn’t have my name, you’ll know I’ve been absconded.

It next occurred to me that this WordPress thing doesn’t let you write your real signature. It’s set up pretty similar to a Word Doc so it’s all just typing in different fonts. I was going to have to create a Jpeg to insert so you’d see my real handwriting.

Everything is supposed to be easier on a computer. Have you ever noticed the easiest thing would be just to pick up a pen and paper and write? But then, only I’d have it and I know my signature, so I wouldn’t really need to do that. And I’d have to make copies for each of you. And you might not even want it, so after all that work, you’d just toss it in the trash can.

Which would be ok with me.

I started to practice writing my signature. I think Susan W Bosscawen is way too long and formal for us. And we’re not strangers anymore. You’ve seen me in my real bra. So we’re close.

I’ve already been signing these posts with my initials, but you probably don’t know it. Look at the bee at the bottom of each post. Her (and I say her, because it’s me, after all) left wing is an ‘S’ and her right wing is a ‘B’. Clever, huh?

This is how I’ve written my name as long as I can remember–


signature INK


I Googled famous ‘S’ signatures in images. I got Obama’s, Picasso’s, John Hancock’s, Mother Teresa’s. Finally, I saw an S: Susan Sontag.  Not much help here deciding how I should write my signature.

I usually just kind of slop it down. There are 22 letters in my full name. Susan Woodward Bosscawen. So, slop happens.

I thought it should look nice here, like I cared. So I practiced. And I practiced. On both sides of the paper. Here are some of my practice sheets:


signature scraps


This is the last thing you’ll see of me on each post. I don’t ever want you to go away thinking I’m a slob. Or illiterate. Or don’t care enough about you to write legibly.

I finally settled on something without pretension, yet fairly distinctive. Think of a Gwyneth Paltrow– with her mouth glued shut. It’s legible. It seems happy. It shows intellect. And care.



signature level INK








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