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Brown sugar scrub


Brown Sugar Body Scrub


I found this online:  Brown Sugar Body Scrub 14 oz $75.00

Such a steal. Scrub your body for $8 a shot! I’ll rush right out and buy some.


So I made my own. I looked at the label. There were about sixteen different types of oil, but the main one was almond oil. Sugar was the first ingredient.

And here’s what I did and it’s so easy, it’s almost disgusting to think people actually pay $75 a pop.

Here’s the first thing you’ll need:


body scrub 1 kaboon


No kidding. I’ll tell you more later.

Barefoot’s Brown Sugar Body Scrub

Brown sugar
An oil of your choosing

I bought almond oil on sale for $4. I was disappointed it didn’t have much of a scent, but I don’t have a particularly good smeller. If you’d rather use olive oil or grapeseed oil, use what makes you happy. I wouldn’t use oil from fried fish or you’ll smell like a cod.


body scrub 2 sugar & oil


Put about 1-2 cups of brown sugar in a bowl and mix just enough oil with it to coat all of the sugar. It will look this:


body scrub 3 in cup



The oil will separate from the sugar. Add more sugar to make it a little gravelier, if you like. My first batch is what you see here. For later batches, I’ll add more sugar.

Store it in a plastic container and keep in your shower.


body scrub 4 in plastic container


Scoop out about a heaping tablespoon and slather over your arms. It takes 2-3 tablespoons to scrub from shoulders to feet. When finished, rinse well.

The nice part is my legs and feet. I don’t have to cream up when I’m finished. Everything is all smooth.

The jar that cost $75 for 14 oz works out to be about $2.68 for a table spoon. That makes each shower scrub cost about $8! I bought the oil for $4 and a pound of brown sugar (store brand) for $1. I used less than 1/3 of each. My little container holds two cups and costs less than $3.



I’m guessing one scrub in the shower costs me a quarter. Maybe.

Now for the important part. Remember this?


body scrub 1 kaboon


When you’re finished with your shower, all of that oil you just rinsed off–which is making your skin nice and smooth–has made your shower floor slick. Spray it with Ka-boom, Scrubbing Bubbles, or something similar that will eat up the oil. Let it sit there. The blue stuff turns white and disappears. The next time you turn on the water, it will all be rinsed away before you step inside.



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